Illustrator: Joseph R. Tomelleri
Publisher: Scott & Nix, Inc. and Ziga Media LLC
ISBN: 978-1-63771-1954-1
Praise for the artistry of Joseph R. Tomelleri:
“Joseph Tomelleri is the best fish illustrator I’ve ever seen. Period.”
—Gary Soucie, Audubon
“Amazing illustrations…[His] fish shimmer on the pages.”
—Publishers Weekly
David Allen Sibley calls his work “stunning,” and bestselling fishing author John Geirach writes, “Tomelleri’s illustrations just have to be seen to be believed.”
The fish portraits of Joseph R. Tomelleri are one of a kind and pure pleasure for anglers. Here are a dozen trout—each one’s shimmering colors, beautiful patterns, and distinctive silhouette perfectly captured down to the smallest detail.